Vision China 2022 Shanghai

Visit Adimec at Vision China Shanghai July 11-13, 2023

Vision China 2023 Shanghai At Vision China 2023, July 11-13, Adimec will present several machine vision cameras like  the high speed Quartz Q-25A150 camera for semiconductor inspection and metrology systems. Other cameras that will be demonstrated include the high resolution Sapphire S-49A70, the high-speed Quartz Q-21A230, and the Diamond D-103A12-T01 for display inspection.   “We…


Adimec actively supports the Brainport initiative for creating a MedTech cluster.

Highlights ronde tafels Vlaams-Brabant ontmoet Medtech Brainport 17 november 2020 Essentieel onderdeel van het programma vormde de virtuele ronde tafels waaraan ruim 100 deelnemers tijdens parallelle breakoutsessies vier technologieën bespraken: Imaging and diagnostics, Big data, AI en health, Flexibele elektronica en 3D-printing. Naast korte pitches van de bedrijven bespraken de deelnemers de trends, ontwikkelingen en…

Advantages of Active Alignment: Adimec’s Production Processes for Tool Matching

The manufacturing of an Adimec industrial camera is not as simple as using fasteners, connectors, and adhesives to integrate all electrical and mechanical components. As components become smaller with reduced tolerances, industrial camera manufacturers face new challenges in production.  There are specific operations and measures taken through each stage of the process used to ensure…

Standardization Initiative Embedded Vision Interface (emVision)

  Standardization Initiative Embedded Vision Interface (emVision) Embedded Vision Interface (emVision) Initiative Development of embedded vision technologies is not solely triggered by machine vision players but also by consumer driven application fields such as smart phones. This creates the need to adapt these embedded vision systems to enable industrial solutions to use them. By addressing…