Producing high volume electro-optical systems, where imaging performance & reliability needs to be world leading, leads to the use of higher resolutions and smaller pixels. Furthermore, it requires higher MTF and higher performing optics challenging the performance repeatability of the complete sensor lens assembly.


Maximizing the performance of electro-optics modules requires accuracies not achievable by only mechanical tolerances and or manual alignment. Machine controlled active alignment and testing (done on the Adimec SPS3000) is required to achieve maximum and quantified performance whilst keeping production output and cost under control.

The Adimec active alignment machine is the 3rd generation sensor positioning system called SPS3000.

Adimec, an expert in the design and manufacturing of imaging solutions offers full tailored camera and production process design for high volume alignment and testing of high performing Camera-Lens modules far beyond the size and image performance of M12 optics. Adimec developed this capability to support its customers who needs the performances going beyond the mass market of automotive, VR and consumer drones. Adimec enables alignment of larger optics suitable for larger (pixel and/or resolution) image sensors than standard in the mass market, increasing overall sensitivity while benefiting the high MTF on all parts of the image.


The Adimec SPS3000 has been validated against the worldwide industry standards of optical metrology.

Alignment of:

  • Sub micrometer position accuracy
  • 1/3” till 35mm sensors
  • <3.0um pixels
  • 6 degrees of freedom alignment (Z, Rx, Ry, Rz, X, Y)
  • 9 MTF field points
  • Focal lengths 3mm till 30mm (with possibilities to extend)