In July our US Boston based business team will be extended with a new application and product support engineer. He has been training on location at the Adimec headquarters in Eindhoven, the Netherlands for the last three months. He gained a lot of knowledge from reading our manuals and application notes. Even more he learned from talking to his Dutch colleagues. To deepen his knowledge even further he read several of our blog posts.
We have let him select the blogs that he learned the most from. To let you profit from his learning curve, we give them to you in this post. The blogs are grouped around three themes.
So by reading the blogs linked in this post you will be sure to get a quick start into the vision world!
Image data transport: from pixel to PC by CoaXPress
The first theme is about the data transport between camera and frame grabber. In a vision application frame grabber and camera are sometimes seen as a single entity. However when problems occur, it is important to take them individually in your analysis. Especially when it comes to data rate; sensor interface, camera interface and frame grabber interface have to be considered separately.
Flat field correction
The second theme is about flat field correction. A camera that offers a uniform video image in a reference situation is high on the list of desired features that system engineers expect a camera should have. At the same time flat field correction can be offered in several different formats. It is very good to know which formats are available and what are the pros and cons of each one. We recently wrote three blogs about this theme.
Noise and dynamic range
The third theme is noise and dynamic range. What is the minimum detectable signal and which camera is better at detecting smaller signals. What do the dynamic range and the signal to noise ratio actually tell about the performance of the camera? These are the kind of questions that are often asked.