Select your ideal ingredients…
Customized solutions
Select your ideal image sensor!
Select the sensor with the ideal performance, including NIR sensitivity, for your E/O system. We offer CCD or CMOS sensor technology optimized for challenging outdoor situations.
Select your ideal interface!
A wide choice of interfacing possibilities enables easy integration and a guaranteed fit! We support HD-SDI, Camera Link, Analogue, CoaXPress, and GigE Vision!
Select your outline!
General purpose cameras does not always have the desired outline. Often small COTS modules are used to have a mechanical fit. Many of these small cameras have to make consessions in performance. Adimec creates the optimal outline for a perfect mechnanical fit without any concession in performance!
Select your image enhancement functions!
In-camera image processing enhances the images regardless of imperfect conditions, such as fog. We offer a standard set of image processing features to optimize the image to your application.
All customized solutions are:
All designs have been thoroughly developed, created, and extensively tested using the MIL-STD-810 qualification standard. Read more…
Short time to field
Our custom solutions are not built from scratch. We draw from a finished platform and add proven modules as needed. It saves time and gets you faster into the field.
Support for long-term programs
With focus on long-term partnerships, we offer constant product quality through tight quality control and strict product life cycle management.