Noise equilavent Irradiance for 50Mpx vs high res CCDs

Switching from CCD to CMOS for Display Inspection: Part 3 Image Quality

Adimec is introducing a new 50-megapixel camera the S-50A30 based on the CMOSIS CMV50000. The new camera provides more than just higher resolution.  This CMOS camera, provides inspection accuracy increases, the highest inspection throughput at 50 Mpx, and the next step in image quality. This is a three-part series that illustrates why to choose a…

Image Inspection Throughput

Switching from CCD to CMOS for Display Inspection: Part 2 Increase your Inspection Throughput

Adimec is introducing a new 50-megapixel camera the S-50A30 based on the CMOSIS CMV50000. The new camera provides more than just higher resolution.  This CMOS camera, provides inspection accuracy increases, the highest inspection throughput at 50 Mpx, and the next step in image quality. This is a three-part series that illustrates why to choose a…