Adimec will showcase our portfolio of machine vision products and technology at the 2014 edition of The Vision Show event in Boston, MA, held April 15- 17. We will display and discuss enhancements to our CMOS-based QUARTZ family, including the Q-12A65, which is now in full production, as well as other ultra high-resolution capabilities and latest CCD cameras.
The QUARTZ Q-12A65 camera is based on the CMOSIS CMV12000 image sensor and is a 12 Megapixel CMOS global shutter camera. The Adimec QUARTZ Q-12A65 offers 4096 x 3072 pixels at 75 full frames per second over Camera Link (burst mode). Sensitivity and high shutter performance of the CMV12000 image sensor enables excellent performance in light-starved and high-speed applications that are commonly applied in electronics inspection and semiconductor metrology.
Similar to the 2 Megapixel and 4 Megapixel QUARTZ options, the latest camera offers a range of quality-enhancing features. It includes Adimec’s Active Sensor Control with local and global advanced Flat Field Correction (FFC) capabilities, even in color, and semi-automatic in-field calibration. This allows the performance to be optimized for the temperature conditions in which the system is operating without requiring additional tooling. The camera has special additional functions such as signal-to-noise improvement above the CMV12000 sensor performance through in-camera averaging and pixel binning.
Adimec continues to add camera options to improve accuracy and reduce scan times of next generation medical and machine vision systems through reliable image quality at high resolution and frame speed.
Adimec will be in Booth #608 on the exhibition floor.