In May and June this year Adimec participated in the successful year reviews of PENTA projects MANTIS Vision and IMAGINATION.
With MANTIS, lead by Adimec, the second year review was realised in MAY at TNO. This project works on imaging innovations in high end security and live television broadcast. Partners are from the Netherlands (Adimec, Grass Valley, TNO and TU Delft), from Belgium (AMS OSRAM) and from Norway (IDEAS). Project details can be found on the PENTA website ( ) and the MANTIS Vision project website (
With IMAGINATION, lead by Grass Valley, the first year review passed at TU Delft in June. This project works on imaging innovations in industrial vision applications and live television broadcast. The consortium is formed by 9 partners from the Netherlands and Belgium combined. Dutch partners include Adimec, Grass Valley, TU Delft. Belgium partners include Caeleste, Euresys, intoPIX (Belgium), ONSEMI, KLA and Melexis. Project details can be found on the PENTA website ( and the MANTIS Vision project website (