CoaXPress was designed in the beginning of 2007 to prepare for connecting the latest generation CMOS imaging technology and at the same time overcome all of the limitations of Camera Link. The interface has many advantages in terms of bandwidth, infrastructure cost, ease of implementation, and scalability. With CoaXPress, digital video, control, triggering and power can be managed with just a single, flexible and cost- effective cable. For more background information on CoaXPress, click here.
There are several versions of CoaXPress to offer optimization for bandwidth, cable length, etc. Table 1 shows how the CoaXPress labeling relates to the bit rate.
There are also different versions (dual, quad) to provide more options. Table 2 below provides the details (bandwidth capability and cable length) and how they are related to established Camera Link configurations. These different versions allow flexibility to meet different system requirements. For instance, CXP-3 Dual achieves the same bit rate as CXP-6, but enables longer cable lengths by using 2 inexpensive, flexible cables. Frame grabbers are available with ports for 4 cables to allow a variety of options, such as 4 CXP-6 cameras, 2 CXP-3 Dual cameras, or 1 CXP-6 Quad camera as examples.
Table 1. CoaXPress labeling and corresponding bit rate
Table 2. CoaXPress Versions
There are also options for either BNC vs DIN 1.0/ 2.3 connectors or the combined versions:
Trigger input is only available with DIN 1.0/ 2.3 connectors.
Example of Connector Options from Components Express
CoaXPress opened up new applications for machine vision cameras, such as those over a slip ring or easy upgrades from large analog based systems, such as with intelligent traffic systems. Multiple camera systems can be created efficiently with a single frame grabber and with low CPU load. We have had demonstrations where the vision algorithm took up 95% of the CPU load while the CoaXPress camera was running at full speed and had only a 1% CPU load.
We have also installed our CXP cameras at customers that needed many cameras (more than 14) where the computers were outside the cleanroom environment and each camera required 2 cables. The longer cable harness of 28 robotic coax cables saved a lot of space and money.
Related Blogs:
Many CoaXPress frame grabbers now available
CoaXPress compliant cameras now available
Considerations with CoaXPress, Camera Link HS, 10 GigE Vision, and USB3 Vision