Matrox has written a concise white paper providing details on CoaXPress and help when consideriing CoaXPress versus Camera Link or GigE Vision for your vision system.
Please click here to download this free paper.
If you decide that CoaXPress is right for you, here are some camera options that are plug and play with the Matrox frame grabbers (as well as others).
- Adimec QUARTZ Q-2A340 (2 Megapixels, 340 fps)
- Adimec QUARTZ Q-4A180 (4 Megapixels, 180 fps)
- Adimec OPAL-1000 (1 Megapixels, 123 fps)
- Adimec OPAL-2000/1600 (2 Megapixels, 70 fps)
- Adimec OPAL-4000 (4 Megapixels, 32 fps)
- Adimec OPAL-8000 (8 Megapixels, 16 fps) For more information on CoaXPress and a detailed comparison of CoaXPress with oter interfaces including HS Link, please download our white paper below.