12 Megapixel CMV12000-based machine vision camera in volume production
This week we completed extensive qualification and the latest member of the CMOS-based QUARTZ series…
This week we completed extensive qualification and the latest member of the CMOS-based QUARTZ series…
With the technology advances in CCD and CMOS image sensor market and the lower production costs driven by the …
One of the big advances in image sensor development (both CMOS and CCD) is a reduction in read noise. Read noi…
See the Adimec Quartz Q-12A65 in action at the Vision Show in Boston
Adimec will showcase our portfolio of machine vision products and technology at the 2014 edition of The V…
The Adimec Quartz Q-12A65 camera offering 12 Megapixels at 66 fps is now in volume production. The Adime…
Machine vision has gone beyond factory automation and process control to nanoscale measurements and even globa…
Adimec has expanded TMX-DHD series of rugged COTS cameras for the global security market. TMX-DHD camera…
At the 2014 edition of the SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing event in Baltimore, MD., held May 6th through Ma…
In defense and global security electro-optical systems whether for surveillance, situational awareness, or tar…