High Speed High Resolution

High-Resolution High-Speed CMOS technology drives digital imaging in pathology.

The digitization of histology slides is gaining popularity in pathology. Driven by high resolution high speed imaging technology (such as Adimec’s Quartz 12Mpx series and the latest high resolution
S-65A35 CXP camera), several bright field scanners for whole slide imaging (WSI) are now available on the market. These are available from various vendors and finding their way into pathology laboratories.
These scanners will be used more frequently as digital microscopes for primary diagnosis as FDA approvals increase in the coming years.

Image accuracy & repeatability improves applicability of AI in digital pathology. 

Artificial intelligence algorithms (AI) are crucial tools to support analysis of the growing number of digital histology slide images. Thus, helping pathologists to diagnose more cases faster. The role of digital images will become a vital focus point for system manufacturers. AI algorithms will perform better when they don’t need to address image quality variations from different scanners and scanner technologies. Over time repeatable and consistent image quality between histology slide scanners will be a critical success factor in improving AI performance for pathology. Adimec is dedicated to engineering and delivering cameras with consistent and repeatable image quality. We also take our product availability & support over long periods (10+ years) very seriously.

More information about the Adimec True Accurate Imaging® Technology


High Full Well cameras bring pathology to the operating room.

Pathology will move into the operating room (OR). Acquiring histology information from biopsies in 2 minutes or directly from the patient without a biopsy will become feasible in the coming years.

This will all be made possible by looking directly at the cellular level through innovative Full-Field OCT and Dynamic Cell Imaging.

A few of the benefits of this development are among others are:

  • Maximize localization of the relevant tissue for cancer diagnostics and surgery.
  • Better determination of the essential tissue for diagnostics. This reduces the repeat biopsy rate, that is sometimes as high as 30%.
  • Reduction of surgery time and validation of complete focal ablation.

With direct diagnostic information from the OR and faster diagnostics turn-around times resulting   in lowered costs and increased patient satisfaction.

The ability to look instantly inside transparent matter with Full Field OCT and Dynamic Cell Imaging microscopy (LLTech) is fueled by Adimec High Full Well camera technology. This new imaging method creates the ability to quickly recognize & diagnose pathology information without the need to prepare the tissue through slicing & staining. Adimec developed the High Full Well camera technology in the CAReIOCA FP7 project. This technology is now available in our Quartz Q-2HFW camera. With a Full Well depth over 2Million electrons per pixel (e.g. high SNR), 2Mpx imaging resolution and frame speed up to 550fps (full frame), this camera allows to observe fast changing small contrast variations in bright scenes under conditions not possible before.

* Dynamic Cell Image courtesy of LLTECH